Top Three Awesome Guesses for Toon Santa 15 Contest

Blown Away by Top Three WinnersIt was a tough choice, but we picked out the top three most awesome guesses for Toon Santa 15 that weren’t correct – but were awesome enough for a prize.  Did you win?

We had some amazing guesses this year! A few power guessers submitted 20 or more guesses and some were simply fantastic!

The top three each get a one month free PRO subscription to OneRender (currently in beta and free to try; launches in Q1 2016), plus they also get one of the following, generously donated by our friends at Smith Micro:

  • Poser 11
  • Anime Studio Debut 11
  • Manga Studio 5

All software is delivered as a digital download.

There were multiple suggestions for Caveman Santa, Zombie Santa, Viking Santa and Timelord Santa…and Star Wars Santa.

Here were the top three (which are not the theme for Toon Santa 15) which we liked the best and could well arrive as Toon Santa 16 next year:

Scottish Santa, submitted by Klaus Sauer

This caught the imagination of the team. Yes, someone else also suggested Bagpipes Santa, but Scottish Santa takes in the kilt and everything.

Young Santa, submitted by Mike Mitchell

A younger version of Santa, perhaps built on top of Norm instead of Chunk is an excellent idea!

Colonial Santa, submitted by Andolaurina

This is a unique suggestion we’ve never heard before. The question is – would Santa have a red or a white powdered wig?

Congratulations to Klaus, Mike and Andolaurina!

Don’t forget our introductory pre-release pricing ends later today for Toon Santa 2015 and Christmas Village 15 on Mirye Store.


2 comments / Add your comment below

  1. Yee-Haw! That is fantastic! Thank you for selecting my “Young Santa” idea. Here’s hoping he’ll turn up next year — or soon after that.

    And congratulations to the other two who were selected! Both ideas sound like something I’d love to see.

    PS: Just sent in my order for this year’s Santa. There were so many great suggestions, I’m wondering what on earth (or elsewhere?) it could be.

  2. Wow!!! Thanks for picking up my idea for “Scottish Santa”. There are so many great ideas in that contest that you must have now suggestions for the next 100 years (unfortunately we can only get one a year).

    Also congrats to the other both winners. But if none of us match the the theme, I’m really curious what it will be.

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